tired of macros

(from an email sent to my subscribers):

I've been digging deep, the past year or so, into why I/we act like we do. I've been digging into my own psyche, personality, childhood, habits, values, perspectives, etc. I think about my clients and what makes some so successful and others not so much, and it's made me re-think everything I do and am passionate about. ​

I believe I am on the right track to be able to change things for future clients (with a different approach than the past). I also believe I will help change the nutrition coaching industry with these strategies. There is a shift happening. People are tired of feeling like a failure or the subject of a scientific study for the benefit of the coach.

Are you tired of feeling let down by life and yourself?

Are you tired of feeling like you're chasing the tail of life?

If you know me at all (or not, but see my IG posts), you know I am a very optimistic person. I don't know if that's the contrarian in me -so many people are so negative, so the contrarian in me is positive? I'd like to think that's not the case! I have a very hopeful view of my own existence at least, regardless of what happens.

There are 2 reasons I’m writing this email, and I'm going to be totally transparent.

1). I think it will be somewhat cathartic to me to write out thoughts and put it out there.

2). As I change things in my coaching business, this will be a place I put that information out there and will make offers to join the new program that will eventually roll-out.

I'd like to get your feedback on these things. I'd like to have communication about it, and find out more about what makes you tick. I'd like to see what people's struggle is when it comes to lifestyle change. I'd like to find out what clicked to make a lifestyle change actually happen (if it did).

With all that being said... feel free to reply to this email with your thoughts, or questions, about what I've mentioned above. Have you felt a shift in your life where you are ready to dig in and feel more at peace with day to day living?

- Coach Jim


why feeling lost should be celebrated